J-DHS senior helps expand Tecumseh Learning Pad’s 12th annual Lemonade Stand

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District’s special education classroom, the Tecumseh Learning Pad, is expanding its 12th annual Lemonade Stand in April to include all school buildings, the Transportation Department, and the District Office.  Senior Olivia Clark is spearheading the expansion as part of her Senior Capstone project in conjunction with the 12:1 (3:1) special education …

Tecumseh Learning Pad’s 2024 lemonade stand raises $7,273!

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District’s special education classroom, The Tecumseh Learning Pad, recently raised a record-breaking $7,273 during its 2024 lemonade stand fundraiser! The funds will be split between Central New York Autism Society of America and ARISE Adaptive Design.  “The gratitude I feel in my heart to the J-D community goes far beyond words! …

10th annual Lemonade Stand raises more than $5,000 for local organizations

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District’s special education classroom, The Tecumseh Learning Pad, more than doubled last year’s lemonade stand funds. The group brought in a whopping $5,465.60! The funds will be distributed between the Central New York Autism Society of America and ARISE Adaptive Design. Learning Pad students helped prepare more than 700 lemonade bottles …

10th Annual Lemonade Stand raises funds for local organizations

For the first time, the Tecumseh Learning Pad has expanded its Lemonade Stand. It’s available to staff every day this week at Jamesville Elementary, Moses DeWitt Elementary, and J-D High School.  The Tecumseh Learning Pad is the district’s 12:1:(3+1) special education classroom housed at Tecumseh Elementary School. Students have helped prepare more than 700 lemonade …

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