Message from Superintendent Smith about Buffalo shootings

Dear J-D families and staff,

I’m sure we are all struggling with the emotions that followed the news of yet another mass shooting—this one taking place on Saturday, close to home in Buffalo and specifically targeting the Black community. 

What we know now is that a white supremacist opened fire at a Tops supermarket, killing 10 people and injuring three others. Eleven of the victims were Black. Before the shooting, the gunman allegedly posted a virulently racist and antisemitic manifesto.

This unfathomable display of violence, extremism and hate leaves us to, yet again, try to process and cope with the fear that such a horrific act could take place at such a mundane location as a grocery store. It reminds all us of our vulnerability, and for our Jewish students and students of color, that vulnerability and fear must be heightened. 

We recognize that our students may need support processing this event. I encourage you to check in with your children and seek support from trusted adults, community members, or faith leaders. Please know that our school counselors and social workers are also available to provide counseling and support to any student who is struggling. 

Discussing thoughts and feelings is important in coping with difficult feelings. Below are some resources from ADL, a national anti-hate organization, that may be helpful to discuss this incident at home, if you choose.

On behalf of the district, I extend our deepest sympathies for the victims’ families and for all impacted by this horrific act of violence.


Peter Smith

ADL Resources