District seeks input on technology plan

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District will be updating its technology plan to outline the district’s priorities for the next three years and is seeking stakeholder input to help develop the plan.

There are plan components that specifically address English language learners, students with disabilities and students’ social and emotional health. While the district is seeking input related to those specific areas, it is interested in a variety of perspectives and input regarding all areas of technology.

To gather that input, the district has launched a ThoughtExchange, an online platform that allows users to respond to an open-ended question, consider and assign stars to some of the ideas shared by others (20 to 30 is ideal) and learn what’s important to the group. Individual’s thoughts and stars are confidential, and users can come back as often as they’d like to participate. 

The ThoughtExchange will close at 4 p.m. Feb. 7. Technology committee members will review the ThoughtExchange results and use the information to build upon the current technology plan, align the plan with New York State Education Department initiatives and the district’s Strategic Plan and take into account the impacts of the pandemic.