An assisted evacuation plan form (see attached sample) should be completed for any child who has limited mobility and for any other child who would require assistance to leave the building in the emergency. These forms can be obtained from the District Office.

The plan should include alternatives for situations in which the person with primary responsibility is not available.

It is suggested that the Building Administrator not be designated as the person with primary responsibility. In an emergency situation the Building Administrator must attend to many immediate demands and decisions. Also, the Building Administrator should be free to report to the designated place in the assembly area to meet staff members and to give instructions.

It is also suggested that the person with primary responsibility be someone who is likely to be near the child who needs assistance, not someone who may have to take time to travel through the building or against the flow of traffic.

One strategy for the evacuation of a child who cannot use the stairs unassisted, or who cannot negotiate crowded stairs quickly, is to designate an area of the stairwell out of the flow of traffic (remember that the stairwells are designed to retard the spread of fire). The child remains there with an adult assistant until the students have passed and the stairs can be used.

This form should be completed for every child who needs any kind of special accommodations in emergency evacuations. Copies should be distributed according to the instructions on the form. The plan should be reviewed annually.