Students on field trips must always be in the sight of staff and under their supervision. Student emergency information forms should be taken on all field trips in the event phone numbers and other pertinent information are needed.

  1. In the event a student runs away or is missing, staff will look for them and continue to do so until they are found or, it becomes unsafe for the staff to continue to search.
  2. In the event a student is missing and appears to be in any danger, police, parents and administration will be notified immediately.
  3. In the event a student is missing due to running away or being lost in a reasonably safe area (museum, park) for more than ½ hour, program administration and police must be called, and parents notified. The superintendent and assistant superintendent should be notified as soon as possible.
  4. In the event a student is missing due to running away or being lost, a responsible adult must stay in the area until the matter is resolved. Missing students must never be left at any location even if assumed safe.
  5. Immediately following an event where a student or students were missing due to running away or being lost, a complete report of the incident will be prepared for the superintendent and assistant superintendent. A staff meeting will be held in the affected program for the purpose of preventing future incidents by review of procedures.