Message from the J-D Board of Education

On Feb. 3, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent Peter Smith sent to J-D families and staff via SchoolMessenger the following letter on behalf of the J-D Board of Education.  Dear Jamesville-DeWitt families and staff, On behalf of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Board of Education, I would like to express our extreme disappointment and disgust …

In-home COVID-19 tests kits available at J-D schools

On Feb. 2, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent Peter Smith sent the following letter via SchoolMessenger to J-D families and staff. Dear Jamesville-DeWitt families and staff, Thankfully, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in the district has decreased significantly over the past few weeks.  Nevertheless, please know that the district still has a supply …

Follow-up statement on curriculum night incident

On Feb. 1, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent Peter Smith sent the following letter via SchoolMessenger to J-D families and staff. Dear J-D families and staff, On this first day of February, which begins our nation’s celebration of Black History Month, I am reflecting upon last evening’s occurrence when one or more individuals took it …

Surveillance testing yields all negative COVID-19 results

On Jan. 31, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent Peter Smith sent the following letter via SchoolMessenger to J-D families and staff. Dear Jamesville-DeWitt families and staff, On Friday, Jan. 28, we completed surveillance testing for COVID-19. Approximately 103 students and staff were tested. I am pleased to report that all of the tests were negative.    …

Scholastic Art Awards competition recognizes J-D students

Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District students recently earned a total of 76 awards in the 2022 Central New York Regional Scholastic Art Awards competition. The competition is the nation’s longest-running and most prestigious recognition program for teens in grades 7-12. The Central New York Region includes 14 counties and about 400 eligible schools. More than 60 …

Message regarding incident during high school curriculum night

On Jan. 31, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent and J-D High School Principal Paul Gasparini sent the following letter via SchoolMessenger to J-D families and staff.  Dear J-D families and staff,  Those of you who attended J-D High School’s curriculum night for incoming ninth-grade students via Zoom this evening know that we abruptly ended the …

Schools prepare to welcome pre-K students

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District is in the final stages of preparing to welcome its inaugural class of prekindergarten, which will begin Jan. 31. Each of the district’s three elementary schools will have one pre-K classroom of no more than 18 four-year-old students. The Rothschild Early Childhood Center is partnering with J-D to house one additional pre-K …

Appellate Court grants state’s request; face masks continue to be required inside schools

On Jan. 26, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District sent the following letter via SchoolMessenger to J-D families and staff.  Dear J-D families and staff, As you likely heard, the Appellate Division granted the application by the Department of Health and the Governor’s office, confirming the lower court’s decision is stayed pending further proceedings. As such, the …

District seeks input on technology plan

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District will be updating its technology plan to outline the district’s priorities for the next three years and is seeking stakeholder input to help develop the plan. There are plan components that specifically address English language learners, students with disabilities and students’ social and emotional health. While the district is seeking …

 Face masks continue to be required in schools

On Jan. 25, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent Peter Smith sent the following letter via SchoolMessenger to J-D families and staff.  Dear J-D families and staff, You may be aware that last evening, a Nassau County Supreme Court Judge determined that the NYS Department of Health’s school masking regulations are invalid. The New York State Education …

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