District presents 2-year strategic plan shaped by stakeholder input at board meeting

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District is excited to share details about its next strategic plan. The draft plan was presented to the Board of Education on Monday, March 24 and is expected to be adopted next month. The implementation would begin at the start of the 2025-26 school year. “Blueprint for Excellence” is the result …

Parents/caregivers needed for J-D Superintendent search focus group

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Board of Education is making progress with finding the district’s next leader, but board members need your help!  The board is working with OCM BOCES District Superintendent, Matthew L. Cook, Ed. D. to conduct a confidential search. An important part of that process has involved gathering stakeholder feedback.  The district …

Jamesville-DeWitt students earn 2025 CNY Scholastic Art awards

Dozens of Jamesville-DeWitt students were recognized in the 2025 Central New York Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition. The Scholastic Art Awards are the nation’s longest-running and most prestigious recognition program for teens in grades 7-12. The Central New York region includes 13 counties and nearly 400 eligible schools. Judges evaluate entries for their originality, …

J-D Superintendent Search: survey to gather stakeholder input available until Feb. 5

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Board of Education needs your help as they continue the process to find a new Superintendent of Schools. The board is asking students, staff, families, and the community to complete an online survey that will help develop a profile of desirable attributes wanted in the district’s next leader. The survey …

Jamesville-DeWitt UPK letter of intent for 2025-26 school year available through Jan. 31

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District has started the UPK registration process for the 2025-26 school year. The free, full day program for four-year-old children residing in the district follows a separate registration process from grades K-12. Families of eligible students must complete and return a letter of intent form no later than 4 p.m. on …

Jamesville-DeWitt UPK registration process to begin in January

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District offers a full day UPK program for four-year-old children residing in the district. There is no cost to attend this program. Costs associated with the program will be covered by funds allocated to the district via New York State Preschool funding.  The program follows a separate registration process from grades …

2024 capital project: what’s next?

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District partnered with Ashley-McGraw Architects to identify needs across all school buildings and grounds. On Tuesday, Dec. 17, Jamesville-DeWitt voters approved the $34.5 million capital project with no additional taxpayer increase. The capital project will: Enhance safety and security. Elevate athletic and physical education spaces. Meet elementary and UPK playground guidelines. …

Jamesville-DeWitt voters approve $34.5 million capital project

On Dec. 17, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District voters approved the district’s $34.5 million capital project with no additional taxpayer increase by a tally of 231 yes votes to 48 no votes. The project will be financed through a combination of retiring debt along with funds set aside in a capital reserve ($1 million). The district …

District to hold $34.5 million capital project vote on Tuesday, Dec. 17

Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District residents will head to the polls on Tuesday, Dec. 17, to vote on a $34.5 million capital project with no additional taxpayer increase. Polls will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at J-D High School’s main gymnasium.  If approved by voters, the capital project would: Enhance safety and security. Elevate …

Board selects OCM BOCES consultant to help conduct confidential Superintendent search

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Board of Education has appointed OCM BOCES District Superintendent, Matthew L. Cook, Ed.D., to assist and advise the board during the upcoming Superintendent search. The decision was approved during the board’s meeting on Monday, Dec. 9. The board also considered private and national search firms. Dr. Cook has helped a …

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