Minutes of May 13, 2024, Board Meeting

Members Present

Mrs. Austin
Mr. Baxter
Mr. Babikian
Dr. Corcoran
Mrs. DeForest
Mr. Gross
Mrs. James Murad 
Mr. Zoghby
Mr. Mudamgha (Student Board Member)

Members Absent

Dr. Archer

Administration Present

Dr. Smith. Superintendent
Mr. Reyes, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Bartlett, Business Administrator

Others in attendance: Melanie Van Schaick, Aidan Van Schaick, Carsen Corona, Michael Fitzpatrick, Lynn Cortese, Charles Diede and Katie Centonella.

Mr. Gross called the regular meeting back to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Large Group Room of the High School and via Zoom.

Athletics Presentation, Mr. Wheeler

Mr. Wheeler shared a slide show presentation with the Board, which was a snippet of the school year. The following topics were covered:

    • Goals for the athletic director based on parent survey.
    • Participation numbers, broken down by teams, athletes, and games.
    • Athletic Department Systems (including communication, post-season evaluation of coaches, hiring process for coaches, uniform replacement system, pre-season coach meeting and player surveys)
    • Budget planning
    • Sectional and State Championship Teams
    • Homecoming Football Game, 2023
    • National Signing Day
    • Cheerleading Competition
    • Service-Learning Projects
    • Charity Events
    • Hall of Fame, Class of 2024
    • Leadership Projects
    • Professional Development
    • J-D All Sports Booster Club
    • Upcoming summer camps through the Town of DeWitt

(See Supplemental Minutes)

Red Ram Recognition

Mr. Gross recognized the religious and ethnic observances in May: Orthodox Good Friday, Orthodox Easter, and Vesak Day

Mr. Gross also recognized the following:  

    • All J-D teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week, which was the first week of May.
    • J-D School Nurses during School Nurse Appreciation Day: Heather Cavalluzzi, Carla Ray, Nancy Trendowski, Lauren Knuth, Dorrie Darcy, Kim Kalil and Stacey Piscitell
    • American Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Mental Health Awareness Month and Jewish American Heritage Month which are all celebrated in May.

Mr. Gross recognized and congratulated the following:

    • Evelyn Keefe, Third Place winner in the Sijo Poetry Contest
    • Winners of the HaShoah Commemoration Narrative Contest: Sion Willis, Carsyn Geisler, Carson Kim and Enes Damkaci
    • Cast and Crew of “9 to 5” for raising money for Imagination Library
    • Aaron Sikora, who was awarded a National Merit Scholarship funded by the 3M Corporation.
    • Inductees into the 2024 Athletics Hall of Fame: Mary Cooper-Hartzog, Michelle Blum, Bernard Blunt, Jordan Evans, Coach Joe Roach, and the 2010- and 2011-Men’s Lacrosse teams

Lastly, Mr. Gross provided dates of the upcoming Spring Sports Senior Nights and welcomed all to attend the games.

Community Comment Time #1

 There were no comments.

Approve Consent Agenda

Dr. Corcoran moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

    • Approve Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations and Substitute Appointments
    • Internal Claims Auditor Reports (See Supplemental Minutes)
    • CPSE and CSE Recommendations
    • Overnight Field Trip Request-Genius Olympiad
    • Overnight Field Trip Request – Technology Student Association
    • Approve Inspectors of Election (See Supplemental Minutes)

Dr. Corcoran suggested the field trip requests be submitted electronically in the future.

Motion carried. (8-0-0).

Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations – May 13, 2024 


Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Mentoring – 2023-2024 School Year

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Nicole Abdo, Mentor to Amy Farmer, $247.94 (prorated)
    • Cindy Andreatta, Mentor to Jillian Fallis, $270.48 (prorated)
    • Denise Becher, Mentor to Serena Wadsworth, $399.28 (prorated)
    • Nicholas Bentley, Mentor to Cortney Weissenborn, $644.00
    • Daniel Blumenthal, Mentor to Eric Toyama, $644.00
    • Josh Coles, Mentor to Emily Colasacco, $644.00
    • Kelly Colone, Mentor to John Lembeck, $644.00
    • Jamie Cottet, Mentor to Vanessa McNamara, $644.00
    • Beth Croll-Mackenzie, Mentor to Kelly Beaudoin
    • Kelli Dippold, Mentor to Jillian LaLonde, $644.00
    • Karyn Doss, Mentor to Jasmine Manuel, $644.00
    • Diane Ennis, Mentor to Theresa Goad, $460.46 (prorated)
    • Kalli Essig, Mentor to Kayla Sweeney, $644.00
    • Laurie Fabian, Mentor to Madison Eagan, $644.00
    • Danielle Lazzaro, Mentor to Joshua Frank, $644.00
    • Sophie Leo, Mentor to Brendon Schunck, $644.00
    • Michelle McNeil, Mentor to Christie Schuhert-D’Imperio, $644.00
    • Marty Osterhaudt, Mentor to Cherie Poland
    • Moira Ristau, Mentor to Laramie Kennedy
    • Amanda Rose, Mentor to Elizabeth Boghosian, $644.00
    • Daniel Rossiter, Mentor to Gianna Arcuri, $644.00
    • Amy Spitzer, Mentor to Megan Gramer, $644.00
    • Lawrence Stroh, Mentor to William Sauve, $644.00
    • Susan Young, Mentor to Kyle Voyer, $644.00

Extra Duty Assignment – Intramurals – Middle School – 2023-2024 School Year

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Brae Fuller, Session 4 Intramural Coach, $286.00
    • Ken Kline, Session 4 Intramural Coach, $308.00


Request for Leave of Absence

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Daniel Blumenthal, Music Teacher, High School, parental leave of absence, April 29, 2024, through May 28, 2024

Request for Retirement

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Anne Marie Abt, Physical Therapist, District, July 1, 2024



Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Samantha Kaufman, Typist II, provisional appointment, Tecumseh Elementary School,
      $17.75/hr., May 17, 2024, replacing McDevitt
    • Mitzi Longway, School Secretary I, provisional appointment, Middle School, $18.50/hr., May 31, 2024
    • Christina Lopez, Typist II, provisional appointment, Middle School, $18.50/hr., May 31, 2024
    • Joshua Montgomery, Network Administrator, 52-week probationary appointment, District, $67,500.00, June 10, 2024, new position
    • Viktor Pechenyi, Maintenance Worker II, 52-week probationary appointment, Maintenance Department, May 14, 2024, replacing V. Smith
    • Rachel Reichel, School Secretary I, 52-week probationary appointment, High School,
      $17.75/hr., May 14, 2024
    • Amber Schmitt, Typist II, provisional appointment, High School, $18.50/hr., May 31, 2024

Extra Duty Assignment

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Suzy Procopio, Payroll Support, District Office, $938.00, effective May 15, 2024, through December 31, 2024

Request for Retirement

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Susan Smith, Food Service Helper I, Food Service, June 25, 2024


Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Samantha Kaufman, School Monitor, High School, May 16, 2024
    • Mitzi Longway, Typist II, Middle School, May 30, 2024
    • Christina Lopez, School Secretary I, Middle School, May 30, 2024
    • Viktor Pechenyi, Custodial Worker I, Custodial Department, May 13, 2024
    • Rachel Reichel, Administrative Aide, High School, May 13, 2024
    • Amber Schmitt, School Secretary I, High School, May 2024

Approve Minutes of the April 17, 2024, Board Meeting

Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mr. Babikian seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of the April 17, 2024, Board Meeting.

Motion carried. (7-0-1) Mrs. Austin abstained.

Approve Updated Corrective Action Plan

Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mr. Babikian seconded the approval of the Updated Corrective Action Plan to reflect the name of the District Treasurer, Hongling He, as opposed to the position which was originally submitted. (See Supplemental Minutes)

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Smith

Dr. Smith shared a projected enrollment report as of May 1st. He said there has not been much change since the last report in March and that we are still down one elementary section at Jamesville Elementary while Moses DeWitt and Tecumseh stay at the same number of sections. He shared projected enrollment numbers for the district and said it is a slower decrease than the previous year and hopes that we might be beginning to see some stabilization in numbers. Dr. Smith said he will provide updated enrollment numbers for Kindergarten at the June meeting and that we have better predictability in June than we did previously before Pre-K. Dr. Smith said that the proposed 2024-2025 Board Meetings Calendar is in the board folder for review, and it will come back for approval at the June 3 meeting.  He said that there is nothing new to report regarding the Town of Onondaga and the Southwood property. Lastly, Dr. Smith shared upcoming events including AP and Regents exams, Budget Vote and Board of Education Elections, Spring concert season, Senior Ball, Kindergarten Orientation, and the upcoming Memorial holiday.

Board President’s Report, Mr. Gross

Mr. Gross shared a summary of a recent meeting with the Town of DeWitt which he attended with Dr. Smith, Mr. Bartlett, and Mr. Baxter. He highlighted the progress made on the installation of sidewalks on Waring Road and shared other topics discussed including the potential for the community surrounding both the route 81 and Micron projects and the progress of the Shoppingtown property. Mr. Gross reminded the Board to RSVP to the CNYSBA Annual Dinner on May 22 if they would like to attend, and he shared upcoming end of the year events.

Mr. Gross recognized Board member, Renee James Murad with a Lifetime Achievement Award for professional development from NYSSBA and provided her with a certificate and letter.

Student Board Member Report: Mr. Al-Mudamgha

Mr. Al-Mudamgha reported that the J-D MUN conference went well and that $556.00 was raised for ALS of CNY. He said J-D Day will be coming up soon and students are looking forward to it. He also reported that he recently had the honor of attending the antisemitism workshop with the Stone Fish brothers. He said he learned what, as a district, we can do to tackle antisemitism. Mr. Al-Mudamgha shared an additional Red Ram Recognition for Bryce Dadey, who he said is an excellent photographer.

Community Comment Time #2

There were none.

Unfinished and Continuing Business

Mr. Gross thanked Dr. Corcoran for her service to the Board, as she stepped in to fill an open seat in January.

Dr. Corcoran shared an upcoming event at Jamesville Elementary School, Bursting Baskets which will be held on June 7.

At 9:04 p.m., Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Bartlett
Clerk of the Board