Minutes of May 13, 2024, Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing

Members Present

Mrs. Austin
Mr. Baxter
Mr. Babikian
Dr. Corcoran
Mrs. DeForest
Mr. Gross
Mrs. James Murad  
Mr. Zoghby
Mr. Mudamgha   

Members Absent

Dr. Archer

Administration Present

Dr. Smith. Superintendent
Mr. Reyes, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Bartlett, Business Administrator

Others in attendance: Melanie Van Schaick, Aidan Van Schaick, Carsen Corona, Michael Fitzpatrick, Lynn Cortese, Charles Diede and Katie Centonella.

Mr. Gross called the Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Large Group Room of the High School and via Zoom.

Mr. Gross welcomed members of the community and introduced Mr. Bartlett, who read the Annual Meeting Notice.

Dr. Smith and Mr. Bartlett presented the $71,356,980 budget with propositions.

Mr. Gross read the names of the two candidates running for election (three 3-year terms) to the Board of Education:  Lynn Cortese and Jalal Zoghby. Each candidate introduced themselves and spoke about their reasons for running for the Board of Education.

Ms. Katie Centolella and Mr. Charles Diede from the Community Library of DeWitt and Jamesville presented the library proposition.

Mr. Gross reviewed the process that will take place for appointing a third board member. He explained the write-in candidate process.

At 7:57 p.m., Mr. Babikian moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adjourn the Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing.

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

Respectfully submitted,


Brian Bartlett
Clerk of the Board