Members Present
Dr. Archer
Mrs. DeForest
Mr. Gross
Mr. Leach
Mrs. James Murad
Ms. McKenney (attended remotely)
Mrs. Souser (attended remotely)
Mr. Zoghby
Ms. Aljerari (Student Board Member)
Members Absent
Mrs. Austin
Administration Present
Dr. Smith. Superintendent
Mr. Reyes, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Furlong, Interim Business Administrator
Mrs. DeForest called the regular meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. in the cafeteria at Jamesville Elementary School and via Zoom.
In Attendance:
Emily Lynch, Anastasia Arriaga, Katie Deehan, Corinne Campbell
Presentation, Mrs. Baker, Principal
Mrs. Baker welcomed the Board to Jamesville Elementary School and started her presentation by giving an overview of the breakdown of Jamesville Elementary by numbers including the addition of the BOCES SKATE program and introduced Ms. Corinne Campbell, teacher of the SKATE classroom. Mrs. Baker shared how the building addresses each area of the four areas of the Strategic Plan and gave examples of the tasks. Mrs. Baker discussed the focus of “Belonging” including where it came from and examples of the work being done. Some of the examples of the work include Buddy Classrooms, 4th Grade Dialogue Club, SKATE Connections, and Positively Different Partnership. Mrs. Baker said that one of the highlights this school year has been the connection with the SKATE Program from BOCES. She thanked Mrs. Bianchi, third grade teacher and Mrs. Deehan, teaching assistant in the third grade classroom, who have matched and connected with the SKATE classroom. Mrs. Baker introduced three third grade students, Aziz, Maggie and Carter, who each spoke about what the relationship with the students from SKATE means to them. They spoke about how they spend time with the students at recess and at the end of the day, how they play together and how they learn together. Lastly Mrs. Baker talked about the “Positively Different Partnership” and the goal of understanding the needs of neurodivergent children at Jamesville Elementary as well as the needs of educational staff. (See Supplemental Minutes).
Red Ram Recognition
Mrs. DeForest recognized National School Counseling Week and thanked the School Counselors in each building for all they do to help our students. She congratulated the cast and crew of the Middle School production of Madagascar, Jr. for a job well done. She thanked the staff and parents for all they did to help put this together. In addition, Mrs. DeForest recognized the following for their accomplishments:
- High School Cheerleading Team for their SCAC Empire Division Championship and wished them well at their upcoming Sectional competition.
- Boys and girls Indoor Track Team for their SCAC Empire Division Championships.
- Boys’ Volleyball Team who received a proclamation from Senator Mannion and who were the first ever boys’ volleyball champions at J-D, as well as the first for Section III.
- Jake Cline, boys’ volleyball coach for being named Section III boys’ volleyball coach of the year
- High School Science Olympiad Team for placing second at Regionals
- Middle School student, Simran Sanders for winning the 2023 Post Standard Spelling Bee, as well as Benjamin Ruckdeschel who competed through Round 6
- Members of the cast of “The Prom”; Ella, Alex and Anthony, as well as directors, Ms. Deyo and Ms. Drake for their appearance and performance on Bridge Street.
(See Supplemental Minutes)
Student Board Member Report, Ms. Aljerari
Ms. Aljerari provided the Board with a report which included information on the Student Government and the Second Constitutional Convention. Ms. Aljerari highlighted the Freshman Class Officers and some of their accomplishments including successful deep fried oreo sale and the introduction of a suggestion box. Lastly, Ms. Aljerari highlighted some of the events of J-D Game Day, February 7th. (See Supplemental Minutes).
Community Comment Time #1
There were no comments.
Approve Consent Agenda
Mr. Leach moved and Mr. Gross seconded the approval of the Consent Agenda.
- Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations and Substitute Appointments
- Minutes of the January 23, 2023 Board Meeting
Motion carried. (8-0-0)
Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations – February 6, 2023
Name and position: Maria DeJesus, Assistant Principal; probationary appointment (4 years); replacing C. Johnson
- Location: High School
- Salary: $95,000
- Certification: School Building Leader, Internship Certificate
- Effective: February 7, 2023
Change in Status
Name, position, location, change and effective date:
- Allison Barnes, Special Education Teacher, Moses DeWitt, increase from .5 FTE to .6 FTE due to an increase in IEP Services; prorated salary from 2/7/23 through 6/30/23, $15,842.19
- Lisa Ward, Special Education Teacher, Middle School, Additional Class, every other day, January 30, 2023 through June 30, 2023, prorated salary $3,443.00
Request for Leave of Absence
Name, assignment, location, type of leave and effective date:
- Joseph Goldberg, ELA Teacher, High School, paid parental leave February 6, 2023 through April 10, 2023
Request for Retirement
Name, assignment, location, and effective date:
- Jayne Dominicos, K-6 Elementary Teacher, Jamesville Elementary School, September 4, 2023
- Laurie Russell, Music Teacher, Jamesville Elementary School, June 30, 2023
Name, position, location, and effective date:
- Maria DeJesus, LOTE Teacher, High School, February 6, 2023
- Maria DeJesus, Administrative Intern, High School, February 6, 2023
Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – High School – 2022-2023 School Year
Name, assignment, and stipend
- Mark McIntyre, Outing Club Advisor, $888.00
Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Middle School – 2022-2023 School Year
Name, assignment, and stipend
- Cynthia Montross-Tipa, Grade 6 Lunch Duty, $884.00, effective January 30, 2023
Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Moses DeWitt – 2022-2023 School Year
Name, assignment, and stipend
- Julia Holder, Student Supervision, PM only, $347.00, January 10, 2023 through June 30, 2023
Resignation, Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Middle School – 2022-2023 School Year
Name, assignment and effective date:
- Anastasia Arriaga, Grade 6 Lunch Duty, effective January 30, 2023
Name, position, location, salary and effective date:
- Chiara Armstrong, Treasurer, District Office, 52 week probationary appointment, $51,000.00, effective February 28, 2023, replacing J. Carter
- Tracy Lewis, Substitute Bus Attendant, Transportation, $14.50/hr., February 7, 2023
- Tina Mason, Substitute Bus Attendant, Transportation, $14.50/hr., February 7, 2023
- Gracie Morris, Lifeguard, Middle School, 52 week probationary appointment, $18.50/hr., effective February 7, 2023, replacing R. Setek
- Katie Reitz, Substitute Bus Attendant, Transportation, $14.50/hr., February 7, 2023
- Sanlly Viera-Alarcon, Substitute Bus Driver, Transportation, $21.50/hr., February 7, 2023
Request for Retirement
Name, assignment, location, and effective date:
- Jean Carter, Treasurer, District Office, June 29, 2023
Name, position, location, and effective date:
- Jason Block, Guard, High School, January 20, 2023
- Martin Bolowsky, Bus Attendant, Transportation, January 22, 2023
- Rachel Setek, Lifeguard, Middle School, January 20, 2023
Potential Consideration for Future Meetings
There were no new topics to add to the list.
Budget Discussion, Fringe Benefits
Mr. Furlong presented the Fringe Benefits segment of the budget. He discussed the factors impacting the proposed budget including increase in costs of the retirement system, health insurance and Social Security. He reviewed the summary of changes from 22-23 to 23-24 and said there is a 1.32% increase on the total budget, which is a difference of $840,350.00. The Athletics and Central Office portions of the budget will be reviewed at the next meeting. (See Supplemental Minutes).
Assistant Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Franz
Mr. Franz presented a report on the review of the English Language Learner Program at J-D. He reviewed the New York State Regulations around screening, identification and placement for learners and took a historical look back at ENL Services at J-D over the last ten years including enrollment, staffing and data points. He said that currently the district employs three full-time
staff, one each at the high school and middle school and one for the elementary schools housed at Tecumseh. He said overall enrollment trends at the elementary schools, has forced a review of the program. Mr. Franz shared recommendations and next steps for the ENL Program based on enrollment and staffing and said the first recommendation is to expand ENL services at the elementary level to provide a teacher at each elementary building, which would come with professional learning. Mr. Franz said the second recommendation will be to monitor the secondary programming to make sure we have the capacity to provide support and scheduling for teachers, and allow them to work inside their contractual time. He said the last recommendation is to explore and support supplementary extensions, which would allow teachers to take extra classes, that would eventually add a certification integrating into their current certification and allowing for ENL support. Mr. Franz said these recommendations will be communicated to all staff and families. (See Supplemental Minutes).
Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Smith
Dr. Smith shared a report on 2022-2023 District Goals which are built around the Strategic Plan and the four areas of Culture of Wellness, Curriculum and Programs, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Family and Community Engagement. He said the work is focused not only at the District level but at each of the building levels as well. Dr. Smith shared a number of goals that, although they did not make it to the 22-23 District Goals, are being addressed through the extensive work in meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan. Dr. Smith shared the 22-23 Goals and spoke about each goal. The first goal is to address inequity among students with success being evaluated by factors in performance such as chronic absenteeism and discipline. The second goal is data based decision making to identify and create systems of support through the use of universal screening. The third goal is recruiting to attract and retain a diverse staff to help reduce disproportionality. He said a Jamesville-DeWitt Recruitment and Retention Manual will be developed by June 20, 2023. The last goal is family and community engagement. Dr. Smith said the District will continue to create opportunities to increase family engagement to be accomplished by messages sent to the community, social media posts, feedback to district leaders and board of education, and responses to ThoughtExchange surveys.
Dr. Smith reported on the legislative forum that he attended along with Mr. Furlong and Mr. Gross where Dr. Timbs had the opportunity to speak about finance and foundation aid formula and other challenges the state faces when addressing public school funding. Mr. Gross and Mr. Furlong both reported that in addition to the foundation aid formula, Dr. Timbs spoke about the mandate for zero emission busses and the opportunities and challenges this brings.
Dr. Smith congratulated the cast and crew of Madagascar, Jr. for an outstanding show. He recognized Mrs. Carruthers and all those involved with the sound and art for this show. He thanked the staff and family for the support. Dr. Smith shared upcoming events.
Committee Reports
Dr. Archer reported that at the most recent Finance Committee meeting, Mr. Franz gave an in depth report advising of the need to start planning for the projected influx of ENL students and what that will look like. Mr. Furlong reported that the benefits section of the budget was reviewed at the last meeting and that the committee will meet again tomorrow.
Board President’s Report, Mrs. DeForest
Mrs. DeForest pulled the data from Super Eval and put it into summary format and shared with the Board. She then shared the highest and lowest rated areas. Mrs. DeForest created an evaluation of which topics are left to be covered for the Governance Handbook and said she will be sending the form out to Board members to complete. She is asking to provide recommendations for changes and identify what needs to be addressed next.
Mrs. DeForest proposed to reschedule the public forum currently scheduled for February 16, as we just had the public hearing today on safety. She said this will allow the opportunity to bring forth another topic from our community. She proposed to switch the retreat scheduled in March with the public forum date of February 16. After discussion, it was decided that due to scheduling conflicts, we will postpone both the public hearing and retreat to look for better dates.
Mrs. James Murad moved and Mrs. Souser seconded the motion to postpone the public forum scheduled for February 16, 2023.
Motion carried. (8-0-0).
Mrs. DeForest said that due to conflicts with Board members, a new date for a future Board retreat will be discussed at the next agenda planning meeting and will be reported back.
Mrs. DeForest said that CNYSBA sent out an invitation for a Roundtable on February 9th to discuss the understanding of school budgets. She also reminded the Board that there are still three more legislative forums with Dr. Timbs that are available to attend virtually. In addition, Mrs. DeForest asked the Board to check their emails for a NYSSBA invitation to attend the February 10th Virtual Capital Confererence focusing on responding to budget projections and advocating for our students. Lastly, she thanked Dr. Smith for providing feedback to the Board on the Safety Plan and she invited the Board members to share any research they have done.
Community Comment Time #2
There were no comments.
Unfinished and Continuing Business
There was none
At 9:12 p.m., Mr. Leach moved and Mr. Zoghby seconded the motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the employment history of particular persons.
Motion carried. (8-0-0)
At 9:42 p.m., Dr. Archer moved and Mrs. James Murad seconded the motion to adjourn Executive Session.
Motion carried. (8-0-0)
At 9:45 p.m., Mr. Gross moved and Dr. Archer seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried. (8-0-0)
Respectfully submitted
William Furlong
Interim Clerk of the Board
BOARD APPROVED: February 27, 2023