Minutes of February 10, 2025, Board of Education Meeting

Members Present

Dr. Archer
Mr. Baxter
Mrs. Cortese
Mr. Gross
Mrs. James Murad
Mr. Zoghby

Members Absent

Mr. Babikian
Mrs. DeForest
Mrs. Scott
Mr. Mantalios (student board member)

Administration Present

Dr. Smith, Superintendent
Mr. Reyes, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Bartlett, Business Administrator

Others in attendance: Beth Poulos, Janet Rider, Gretchen Vaught, Jay Vaught, Nevin Cosbey, Deacon Enright, Lyla Commandeur, Lila Schroth, Lilly Wells, Hannah Trevisani, Meldin Alemic, Anushka Joardar, Nathaniel Rider, Iden Bright, Gabriela Nikolavsky, Lily Shallish, Nolan Taylor, Will Sherman, Michael Fitzpatrick, and Tiffany Gratien.

Mr. Gross called the meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Large Group Room of the High School and via Zoom.

Mr. Baxter moved and Dr. Archer seconded the motion to move to Executive Session to discuss the employment history of personnel.

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

At 6:36 p.m., Mrs. Cortese moved, and Mr. Zoghby seconded the motion to adjourn Executive Session. 

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Gross called the regular meeting to order.

Presentation, Dr. Lawson, Principal, Jamesville-DeWitt High School

Dr. Lawson welcomed the Board of Education and community members to the High School. He introduced asst. principals Mrs. Maria DeJesús and Mr. David Nylen, and administrative intern, Ms. Colleen Kenney.  He shared a presentation which included 2024-2025 building goals, updates on elective pathway information, and graduation requirements.  Mr. Bill Sauve, technology teacher at the High School, and Isaac O’Brien, student, demonstrated flying a drone, which is part of the Uncrewed Aerial Systems course that is available for students.  Isaac, who is a recent graduate of the course, flew the drone.  They talked about the importance of this class, what students can learn from it, how they can help people and what types of jobs/fields they can work in once they receive their certification. Lastly, Dr. Lawson shared a video of alumni, showcasing where they are now and their praise and appreciation of their time at Jamesville-DeWitt.

(See Supplemental Minutes).

Red Ram Recognition

Mr. Gross shared Red Ram Recognition and recognized that it was National School Counseling Week from February 3 – 7.  He thanked our school counselors for the vital role they play in our buildings.

Mr. Gross also recognized the musicals which have already taken place: the 5/6 grade musical, Aladdin and the High School musical, Mary Poppins. The 7/8 grade musical Beetlejuice will take place on March 7 and 8. 

Lastly, Mr. Gross recognized the Scholastic Art Award winners and let those in attendance know that the scholastic art show is now on display through February 28 at OCC.  He shared that Jamesville-DeWitt High School students won: 1 Portfolio Gold Key, 2 Gold Keys, 7 Silver Keys and 12 Honorable Mentions; and that Middle School students won: 3 Gold Keys, 3 Silver Keys and 7 Honorable Mentions.  He invited everyone to view the display during break week.

(See Supplemental Minutes)

Community Comment Time

Janet Rider commented on the ICE Policy and asked what the state mandated policy is.  She asked if all faculty and staff are trained in handling ICE.

Gretchen Vaught commented on school safety and the importance of SROs in elementary school.  She shared a story about her son and how police officers helped her family.

Patti Thompson commented on school safety and said she is a retired teacher and grandmother of students who were involved in the Nashville school shooting.  She encouraged the district to put into place the SROs who have already been approved.

Approve Consent Agenda

Mr. Gross indicated that he will remove the personnel recommendations from the Consent Agenda to discuss a comment.

Mr. Zoghby moved, and Dr. Archer seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda without the Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations and Substitute Appointments as follows:

    • CPSE and CSE Recommendations
    • Minutes of January 27, 2025, Board Meeting
    • Overnight Field Trip Request
    • Accept 2023-2024 Internal Audit Corrective Action Plan
    • Accept Donation from the J-D Booster Club

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

Approve Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations, Substitute Appointments

Mr. Baxter stated he had a connection to a person on the personnel recommendations but would like to vote.  There were no objections.

Mr. Zoghby moved, and Dr. Archer seconded the motion to approve the Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations and Substitute Appointments.

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations – February 10, 2025



Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – High School– 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Caitlin Johnston, Cafeteria Supervision, $956.00 (half-year)

Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Coaching Spring Season – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Solomon Bliss, Boys Varsity Lacrosse Assistant Coach, $6,058.00

Request for Retirement

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Cynthia Andreatta, K-6 Elementary Teacher, Jamesville Elementary School, June 30, 2025
    • Carol Lynn Boice, K-6 Elementary Teacher, Middle School, June 30, 2025
    • Peter Smith, Superintendent, District, July 1, 2025
    • Mary Sylvester, Principal, Moses DeWitt Elementary School, August 15, 2025



Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Nicholas Cappelletti, Substitute Bus Attendant, Transportation Dept., $15.50/hr., February 11, 2025
    • Lee Howard, Substitute Custodian, Custodial Dept., $15.50/hr., February 11, 2025
    • Ariana Richardson, Teacher Aide, 52-week probationary appointment, High School, $15.70/hr., February 11, 2025, replacing M. Taggart
    • Kenneth Whitney, Substitute Bus Driver, Transportation Dept., $26.00, February 11, 2025
    • Wyatt Widowski, Substitute Custodian, Custodial Dept., $15.50/hr., February 11, 2025
    • Marrisa Yackel, Substitute Food Service Worker, Cafeteria, $15.50/hr., February 11, 2025

Board Policies, First Reading

The following policies were brought to the board for a first reading:

·         5840 – Artificial Intelligence

·         7510 – School Health services

·         7512 – Student Physicals

·         7540 – Suicide

Mrs. James Murad explained that policy 5840 – Artificial Intelligence, came to the policy committee prior to the last meeting and requires that JD has the proper training in place to be compliant with Ed Law 2d which protects students’ privacy rights.  She indicated the other three policies had just minor changes.

These policies will come back to the March 3 meeting for a second reading.

Potential Consideration for Future Meetings

There was none.

Budget Discussion: State Aid Update and Tax Levy Limit, Mr. Bartlett

Mr. Bartlett shared a presentation on the Budget.  His presentation covered the proposed 2025-26 Tax Levy, 25-26 Key Expense Drivers, Preliminary Propositions for the ballot, and Key Calendar Dates for the Budget. 

(See Supplemental Minutes).

Board Discussion: District Equity Council

Mr. Gross thanked the board for their contributions towards developing a moral imperative. Dr. Archer asked if there was a timeline for the next steps and Mr. Gross indicated that was the discussion that would be taking place.  He said at the last meeting he asked for two or three board members to work with him to put together the board contributions.  Dr. Archer and Mrs. Cortese volunteered to work with Mr. Gross. Mr. Gross will then work with Mr. Franz to share this information with the Equity Council.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Franz

Mr. Franz and Dr. Smith together presented the 20-week impact report (Mr. Franz) and an update on the 2024-25 District Goals (Dr. Smith).

Mr. Franz provided an update as of the end of 20 weeks on referrals, attendance, marking period grades, Star/DIBELS scores and overall levels of risk. Dr. Smith shared his four district goals: Address Inequity, MTSS, Belonging and Budget Development.  He explained each goal and how it is being accomplished.

(See Supplemental Minutes)

Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Smith

Dr. Smith continued his report with an update on the SRO/SPO hiring. He responded to the idea that the district is resisting or not doing all they can to hire SRO/SROs.  He assured the board and community that it is not the case.  He shared information on the candidates that have been interviewed to date. He said that interviews have taken place on three different occasions and shared the outcomes of the interviews. Dr. Smith said he will ask the Town of DeWitt Police Department to continue to repost the job.  He is aware of two potential candidates that are expected to retire in June who have expressed interest in serving at JD.  He said the goal is to have five SRO/SPO’s on staff as quickly as possible, but hiring the right candidates is critical.

Dr. Smith offered congratulations to the cast and crew of Mary Poppins and said it was a spectacular and fun show.  Lastly, he shared upcoming events.

Committee Reports

There were no committee reports since the Policy Committee reported during the first readings.

Board President’s Report

Mr. Gross updated the board on the superintendent search.  He said the deadline for applications was January 31 and all applications are with Dr. Matt Cook at BOCES.  Dr. Cook will do the initial screening of the candidates and then the board will review them. After the board does an initial review, semi-finalists will be selected for an interview in March, and one or two finalists will have another interview in April. Final selection is expected in May with a July 1 start date.  He thanked the public for their time in completing the survey on characteristics in a superintendent.  He said this is very helpful as the board moves forward.

Mr. Gross and Dr. Smith attended a webinar sponsored by our attorneys on the impact of White House actions for schools and districts.  He said there have been a number of executive orders issued, and the webinar looked at the ways education is a state responsibility. He said many of the activities that people are fearful of are governed by state law, but the Executive Orders regarding immigration status is a federal government responsibility.  Mr. Gross said Mr. Franz sent a message out on ParentSquare regarding the enforcement of the Executive Order in schools.  Mr. Gross said if this were to happen, District administration would be involved, as well as attorneys, to make sure we are following the law.  He said the message to all is that we want our schools to be safe and welcoming places for every student.

Mr. Gross and Dr. Smith also attended the OCM BOCES legislative forum which focused on the state budget. He thanked Senators Mannion and Ryan, Assemblyman Stirpe, and a representative from Assemblyman Magnarelli’s office for attending the forum. He said the feeling was that this proposed budget was much more in line with expectations. He shared thoughts on the forum and thanked Dr. Smith and Mrs. DeForest for attending.

Student Board Member Report: Mr. Mantalios

Mr. Mantalios was absent.

Community Comment Time, 2

Tiffany Gratien thanked Dr. Smith for clarifying the hiring process for SRO’s. She commented on budget allocations for SRO’s and asked what happens to money that was budgeted for the SROs in the current year.

Unfinished and Continuing Business

Mr. Gross asked board members to check their email for a questionnaire from our communications specialist, Ms. Germain.

Mr. Franz said he received an email from the group End Anti-Semitism now. He said a team from the district met with Brian Rafael, President, Todd Pinsky Chair of the Board of the Jewish Federation of Central New York, Marcy Erlbacher, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Center, Rabbi Evan Shore, and Miriam Elman, Executive Director Academic Engagement Network.  He thanked them for taking time to meet with the team and provide feedback for the district. He said the meeting provided insight and context on the impact of Jewish students and families in schools.  He said he is looking forward to continued dialogue and partnership. He reminded anyone who is experiencing bullying, harassment, or antisemitism to contact the DASA coordinator at your school or fill out the anonymous TIPS form on the website.

At 9:09 p.m., Mrs. Cortese moved, and Dr. Archer seconded the motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss board self-evaluation.

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

At 9:37 p.m., Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mrs. James Murad seconded the motion to adjourn executive session. 

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

At 9:38 p.m., Dr. Archer moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried. (6-0-0) 

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Bartlett
Clerk of the Board

BOARD APPROVED:  March 3, 2025