Board invites community to ask questions related to 2021-22 budget proposal

Before Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District residents vote May 18 on a proposed budget for the 2021-22 school year, they will have an opportunity to ask questions about the budget proposal during a public forum.

At the April 12 J-D Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Peter Smith plans to discuss the anticipated revenues and expenditures of the 2021-22 budget proposal. In January, Smith, the board’s finance committee and School Business Administrator Timothy Decker began updating board members during their regular meetings on areas of the operating budget that include anticipated costs related to debt service, transportation, operations and maintenance, fringe benefits, athletics, central office and instruction. Information about those budget areas is available on the district website. 

The board will open the public forum after Smith’s presentation, which is the last before the board votes on April 19 on whether to adopt the budget put forth by the administration. 

The April 12 meeting, as well as a 7 p.m. May 10 budget public hearing, will take place virtually via Zoom. Once available, links for both virtual meetings will be shared on the district website. 

In-person and absentee ballot voting 

The budget vote will take place May 18. In-person voting is 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. at J-D High School. Residents may also request from the district an application for an absentee ballot. 

Any resident who is an eligible voter who will be out of town on May 18 or unable to get to the polls can submit an application to vote by absentee ballot. Individuals are eligible to vote if they are a U.S citizen, at least 18 years old and a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to the vote.

The following are valid reasons for eligible voters to apply for an absentee ballot: 

  • Absence from the county on election day;

  • Temporary illness or physical disability;

  • Permanent illness or physical disability;

  • Duties related to primary care of one or more individuals who are ill or physically disabled;

  • Resident or patient of Veteran’s Health Administration Hospital; 

  • Detention in jail/prison, awaiting trial, awaiting action by a grand jury, or in prison for conviction of crime or offense that was not a felony.

In addition, the state is allowing residents who are not comfortable voting in-person due to COVID-19 health concerns to vote by absentee ballot. Absentee ballot applications are available by contacting Tish Hauser at the J-D District Office, 315-445-8304 or