Feedback from families needed by Nov. 24

On Nov. 9, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent Peter Smith sent the following letter via SchoolMessenger to J-D families and staff. 

Dear J-D families,

The New York State Education Department and the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District recognize that student access to computing devices and high-speed internet at their places of residence is essential. For students to lead productive and successful lives upon graduation, they must understand and know how to use digital technologies, and home access is critical for that learning to take place. 

The state is partnering with the school district in asking students’ parents, guardians, or caregivers to complete a Digital Equity Survey by Nov. 24 to gauge students’ home access to devices and the internet. The survey should take approximately five minutes to complete. This information will be shared with the state and could result in additional state funds allocated to J-D to better support equitable home access to digital resources. 

We want all students to have the same access to resources and opportunities to succeed and so we appreciate your participation and help in collecting this data. If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact Assistant Superintendent Pete Reyes at


Peter Smith
