At-home COVID-19 test kits now available

On Jan. 3, 2021: Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Superintendent Peter Smith sent the following letter to J-D families and staff. 

Dear Jamesville-DeWitt Families and Staff,

As I mentioned in an earlier message, last week Governor Kathy Hochul announced a statewide goal of providing students the opportunity to be tested for COVID-19 as school resumes after the break.  The state has sent the district a supply of in-home test kits that may be distributed to families.  There is no requirement that families test their children, but the Governor is encouraging the testing of students in order to keep students and school communities as safe as possible.  

Tests are available for pick up at the middle school or any of the elementary schools anytime during the school day.  Families that are unable to come to the school should reach out to the building principal to arrange for a test to be sent home with the student. High school students were provided the opportunity to bring a test home on Monday afternoon. There is a limit of one kit per student.  It is not mandatory for a family to take a kit nor is it mandatory for a student to test before coming to school.  

Please note the district is simply a conduit for distribution.  We will not be tracking or reporting results.  We ask that families who utilize the kits and have a child with a positive test result report the positive case to the local health department and work with the district to follow all isolation and quarantine requirements.  Parents should submit positive test results through the portal provided by Onondaga County.

Thank you for your continued support.


Peter Smith