District seeks input to inform J-D High School principal search

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District will be seeking a new J-D High School principal and is looking for feedback from those within the school community on what qualities and skills they would like to see in the new principal.

Principal Paul Gasparini is retiring at the end of the current school year after almost 21 years as J-D High School’s principal. The district has opened a ThoughtExchange to collect feedback from students, staff and families that will be shared with the interview committees to help inform the search process. The ThoughtExchange will be open through March 14.

“We wish Mr. Gasparini well as he transitions to the next chapter, and we will strive to make this transition as seamless as possible for our students and staff,” Superintendent Peter Smith said. 

ThoughtExchange is an online crowdsourcing tool that allows users to anonymously respond to a question and then to read and rate other people’s comments. Based on those ratings, the most important thoughts rise to the top. Individuals can return to the exchange multiple times so that they can rate ideas that are shared after their first visit. 

“The hiring of a principal position has a significant impact on the future of a school community and culture, and that is why it is very important that we hear from you about the qualities, skills, and abilities you want to see in the new principal,” Smith said.  

During Gasparini’s tenure at J-D, the number of students taking Advanced Placement exams and the number of student leadership programs at the high school both increased. He chaired the Central New York High School Principals Consortium, served as a mentor to other area high school principals and is recognized as a leader in high school education. He has served on multiple New York State Education Department committees, including its Assessment Advisory Committee and its Regents Examination Workgroup. 

In 2012, Gasparini was recognized by the School Administrators Association of New York State as the New York State High School Principal of the Year. Nationally has served as the secondary school representative on the National Assessment Governing Board.