Minutes of January 27, 2025, Board of Education Meeting

Members Present

Dr. Archer
Mr. Babikian
Mr. Baxter
Mrs. Cortese
Mrs. DeForest
Mr. Gross
Mrs. James Murad
Mrs. Scott
Mr. Zoghby
Mr. Mantalios (student board member)

Administration Present

Dr. Smith, Superintendent
Mr. Reyes, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Bartlett, Business Administrator

Others in attendance: Susan Glisson, Connie Myers, Sara Quigley, Gretchen Vaught, Daniel Zeng, John Barlow, Kitty Robinson, Charles Clinton, Robin Carruthers, Michael Fitzpatrick.

Mr. Gross called the meeting of the Board of Education to order at 7:00 p.m. in the board room of the District Office and via Zoom.

Red Ram Recognition

Mr. Gross shared Red Ram Recognition and recognized and/or congratulated the following:

    • Participants in the Shakespeare Monologue Competition including first place winner, Alex Parratt, second place winner, Jenna Abdul-Aziz, third place winner Francesca Smith. Alex will represent JD in the Syracuse Regional Competition.
    • The Lego Team from the Middle School who won first place in the first Lego League Championship. Congratulations to Caden Halbert, Charles Junium, Emily Quao, Simran Sanders, Om Vaidya and Griffin Wormer as well as their coaches Mr. Kinane and Mr. Bryant.
    • Holocaust Remembrance Day today, January 27.
    • Students at Moses DeWitt for participating in the Great Kindness Challenge as well as putting together care packages that will be distributed by the Rescue Mission.
    • National Honor Society for organizing Hoops for Courage which raised funds for Camp Good Days. Thank you to all NHS members as well as Mrs. Goad, Mrs. Butler, and Mrs. Techman.
    • High School students in the Spanish National Honor Society who raised over $1,300 for the Pulsera Project, a fair-trade Not for Profit for Central American Artisans. Senior Anuska Joardar sold over 100 hand-made bracelets.

(See Supplemental Minutes).

Community Comment Time

Mr. Gross asked for a motion to allow non-agenda items to be heard during Community Comment Time #1.

Mr. Babikian moved, and Mr. Zoghby seconded the motion to allow non-agenda items to be heard at Community Comment Time #1.

Motion carried. (9-0-0)

James Gaffey commented on disciplinary issues, specifically surrounding an incident at the Middle School in November. He asked how the district deals with threats and would like to know the make-up of the committee that made the decision to allow a student to return to school. He asked what steps are being taken to protect other students and staff.

Tiffany Gratien commented on the status of SPO/SRO’s. She said three schools are without an SRO. She would like to know what is preventing candidates from moving forward and being approved.

Amanda Schleicher shared similar sentiments to Tiffany Gratien and shared concerns for safety first. She was under the good faith impression that SROs would be hired this year. She is asking for an update at a future board meeting.

Charles Clinton, a teacher at the High School, spoke on behalf of members of the CRSE and CRSE in Action co-facilitators. He said they were here to remind us of our commitment to their work with the NYU Metro Center to provide culturally responsive sustaining education in each building at JD. He said they are advocates for equity, inclusion and justice in schools and are calling on the school board and the district to make a public statement that they will support all students.

Approve Consent Agenda

Dr. Archer indicated that she has a family member listed on the personnel recommendations and that she would like to vote. Mr. Gross removed the Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations, Substitute Appointments and Addendum to the Personnel Recommendations from the Consent Agenda.

Mr. Babikian moved, and Mr. Zoghby seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda without the Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations, Substitute Appointments and Addendum to Personnel Recommendations as follows:

    • CPSE and CSE Recommendations
    • Internal Claims Auditor Report
    • Minutes of January 13, 2025, Board Meeting
    • Overnight Field Trip Requests
    • Treasurer’s Report

Motion carried. (9-0-0) (Supplemental Minutes)

Approve Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations, Substitute Appointments and Addendum to Personnel Recommendations

There were no objections to Dr. Archer voting on the personnel recommendations.

Mrs. James Murad moved, and Mrs. Cortese seconded the motion to approve the Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations, Substitute Appointments and Addendum to Personnel Recommendations.

Motion carried. (9-0-0).

Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations – January 27, 2025


Name and position: Joseph Chirco, Teaching Assistant, four-year probationary appointment, replacing M. Mercado

    • Location: CBA and Middle School
    • Salary: $31,000 (B1), prorated
    • Certification: Teaching Assistant Level 1
    • Effective: January 28, 2025

Name and position: Colleen Kenney, Administrative Internship 

    • Location: District
    • Salary: $0
    • Effective: January 28, 2025, through August 2025 

Assignment – Extended Teaching – High School – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Anna Delaney, DECA Club Advisor, 1,051.60 (effective 1/14/25)

Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Middle School – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Jessica Murray, Grade 7 Lunch Duty, $1,912

Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Winter Coaching – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Courtney Keough, Co-Ed Unified Sports Coach, (Bowling), $943.00

Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Spring Coaching – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • David Archer, Boys JV Lacrosse Head Coach, $6,448.00
    • Christopher Constantino, Boys Varsity Assistant Lacrosse Coach, $6,536.00
    • Courtney Keough, Co-Ed Unified Sports Coach, (Basketball), $943.00
    • Margaret McBurney, Co-Ed Unified Sports Coach (Basketball), $943.00
    • Patrick Scullion, Boys Modified Lacrosse Coach, $5,732.00
    • Eric Toyama, Modified Softball Coach, $3,359.00

Request for Leave of Absence

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Jordan Berger, Social Studies Teacher, High School, paid parental and FMLA leave, April 1, 2025 through May 27, 2025

Request for Retirement

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Michelle Aquino, K-6 Elementary Teacher, Middle School, June 30, 2025
    • Deborah Cunningham, Music Teacher, Middle School, June 30, 2025
    • Kelli Dippold, Special Education Teacher, Middle School, June 30, 2025
    • Anthony Greene, Music Teacher, Middle School, June 30, 2025
    • Anna Jabaji, K-6 Elementary Teacher, Tecumseh Elementary School, June 30, 2025


Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Karen Berkley, Bus Driver, 52-week probationary appointment, Transportation Department, $34.36/hr., January 28, 2025, replacing J. Dardzinski
    • Alec McVearry, Teacher Aide, 52-week probationary appointment, Moses DeWitt, $15.70/hr., January 28, 2025, replacing R. Marano
    • Ava Smith, Teacher Aide, part-time, Moses DeWitt, $15.70/hr., January 28, 2025, replacing J. White

Request for Retirement

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • James Connors, Custodial Worker I, Custodial Department, March 1, 2025
    • Stephanie Leverenz, Deputy Treasurer, District, August 11, 2025

Addendum to the Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations – January 27, 2025


Name and position: Maria Todeschini, Occupational Therapist, 52-week probationary appointment, replacing C. Paige

    • Location: District
    • Salary: $72,630.00 (B9-M+53), prorated
    • Certification: Occupational Therapist
    • Effective: March 3, 2025

2023-2024 Internal Audit Report and Corrective Action Plan

Mr. Barlett reviewed the Audit Report and Corrective Action Plan. He explained no vote is necessary tonight but will come back for a vote to accept the results at the next meeting.

(See Supplemental Minutes).

Potential Consideration for Future Meetings

Mr. Gross added a status report on the hiring of SRO’s/SPO’s to the current list.

Budget Discussion: Preliminary Revenues and Expenses, Mr. Bartlett

Mr. Bartlett shared a budget presentation which included an overview of the budget development process, an update on the NYS Budget and Foundation Aid Study, preliminary revenues for 25-26, and key expense drivers for 25-26. He identified preliminary propositions and shared key calendar dates.

(See Supplemental Minutes).

Board Discussion: District Equity Council

Mr. Gross started the discussion by thanking Mr. Franz for sending out information on developing a moral imperative. Mr. Gross reviewed last meeting’s homework assignment, which was to develop a moral imperative individually. Mr. Gross asked the following two questions: Why does equity matter to you in the work you do daily, and why should you address disproportionality? Each board member went around the table and shared statements and perspectives.

The discussion ended with Mr. Gross asking for three or four board members to “wordsmith” language, and to reach out to the District Equity Council to look at the direction we are heading in.

Mr. Gross said he will collect all the responses from the board and put them all in one place on the shared drive. He thanked all for the work on this and reiterated that it is the role of the board to serve each and every student that walks through the door.

He said being accountable to equity should permeate everything we do.

Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Smith shared a presentation on regionalization. He said the conversation of regionalization has been taking place throughout New York. He explained that it is a collaborative regional approach to explore options to provide all students with opportunities available in other districts. Dr. Smith said this plan was formally adopted by the Board of Regents at the start of school, and there was an expectation that districts would participate. He said the Board of Regents has since backed off and that participation is voluntary. He discussed the benefits and challenges as well as the timeline and shared some important take-aways. He said schools can back out at any time, that regionalization is not reorganization or merging, and that this is not expanding BOCES through BOCES programs. Dr. Smith is encouraging the board to keep the conversations going and to stay on top of this while things continue to move forward.

Lastly Dr. Smith shared upcoming events including the start of the second semester, Lunar New Year holiday, grades 5-6 musical next week as well as the High School Musical Mary Poppins coming in February. He also invited all to attend the basketball game tomorrow to help the district thank Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter for her help in purchasing new scoreboards.

Committee Reports

Mrs. DeForest said the Finance Committee met on January 21 and discussed the budget as reported by Mr. Bartlett. She said they also reviewed the status of capital projects and their timelines for reimbursement, state aid runs, the possibility of exit polling our community for feedback in future budget planning and the transition from Wincap to Envision as the district’s financial platform. She said they reviewed the timeline for the capital project approved in December as well as district research into electric buses. The next meeting is February 25.

Mr. Baxter reported on the Audit Committee meeting. He thanked Mr. Bartlett for his report on risk assessment by the auditors. He said the scores have remained the same or dropped year over year.  He said the auditors will provide a work plan. They discussed which area to focus on during the next audit and chose procurement.

Board President’s Report

Mr. Gross reminded the board of the upcoming OCM BOCES Legislative Forum on February 8.

Mr. Gross updated the board on the superintendent search and said we are working with Dr. Matt Cook at BOCES and that the deadline for applying is January 21. He said there is an upcoming session scheduled for the board with Dr. Cook to review candidates. He also discussed a survey which has been sent out and published on the website. The survey is asking about the characteristics and attributes the community would like in the new superintendent.

Mr. Gross said as we are entering the second semester, it is also time for board self-evaluations as well as the mid-year evaluation for the superintendent. He will be sending out materials for the self-evaluation tomorrow as well as looking for updated district goals for the superintendent evaluation. His goal is to schedule the board self-evaluation for the February meeting and the superintendent evaluation for March.

Student Board Member Report: Mr. Mantalios

There was no report.

Community Comment Time, #2

There were no comments.

Unfinished and Continuing Business

Mr. Zoghby asked for an update on the hiring of the SROs at the next meeting.

Mr. Zoghby also stated that they received an email regarding physical therapy for students. Dr. Smith indicated he would email the board about that matter.

At 8:40 p.m., Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mrs. Scott seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried. (9-0-0)

Respectfully submitted,


Brian Bartlett
Clerk of the Board

BOARD APPROVED:  February 10, 2025