The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District Board of Education will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2025 at Jamesville-DeWitt High School, and via Zoom. The Zoom link will also be shared on the district website. Zoom
Meeting ID: 918 3380 2518, Passcode: 587928
Or by phone: +16465189805, Pin: 91833802518# US
Members of the public who have questions about the agenda prior to the meeting should contact Dr. Peter Smith, J-D Superintendent of Schools, at 315-445-8304 or
Following the meeting, the board will share a transcript of the meeting, as well as meeting minutes, on the district website.
Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order: Mr. Gross (6:00 p.m.)
2. Adjourn to executive session to discuss the employment history of
particular persons
3. Resume public session (7:00 p.m.)
4. Presentation: Dr. Lawson, Jamesville-DeWitt High School Principal
5. Red Ram Recognition: Mr. Gross
6. Community Comment Time 1: Mr. Gross
If you would like to make a comment, please fill out the Google Form to speak at Community Comment Time. If attending the meeting in-person, please give the paper form to the Board Clerk before the meeting begins.
To allow for public participation, one period not to exceed 30 minutes shall be set aside during the first part of each board meeting for public comment, with priority given to comments on items on the meeting’s agenda. A second 30-minute community comment time period will be set aside at the end of the meeting. More information is available in the Ground Rules for Community Comment Time section of the website.
7. Board Action
a. Routine Business
i. Approve Consent Agenda. Items in the consent agenda are to be enacted under one motion and as a single vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes, unless a Board member requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for the Board Meeting.
1. Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations and
Substitute Appointments
2. CPSE and CSE Recommendations
3. Approve Minutes of the January 27, 2025 Board
4. Approve Overnight Field Trip Request
5. Accept 2023-2024 Internal Audit Corrective Action
6. Accept Donation from the J-D Booster Club
b. New Business
i. Board Policies, First Reading
ii. Potential Consideration for Future Meetings
8. Budget discussion: State Aid Update and Tax Levy Limit, Mr. Bartlett
9. Board discussion: District Equity Council
10. Reports
a. Assistant Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Franz
i. 20 Week Impact Report
b. Superintendent’s Report: Dr. Smith
i. Mid-year update on goals
ii. SRO/SPO hiring update
iii. Upcoming events
c. Committee Reports
i. Policy
d. Board President’s Report: Mr. Gross
i. Superintendent search update
ii. BSK seminar: The impact of White House actions for schools and districts
ii. BOCES Legislative Forum
e. Student Board Member Report: Mr. Mantalios
11. Community Comment Time 2: Mr. Gross
If you would like to make a comment, please fill out the Google Form to speak at Community Comment Time. If attending the meeting in-person, please give the paper form to the Board Clerk before the meeting begins.
To allow for public participation, one period not to exceed 30 minutes shall be set aside during the first part of each board meeting for public comment, with priority given to comments on items on the meeting’s agenda. A second 30-minute community comment time period will be set aside at the end of the meeting. More information is available in the Ground Rules for Community Comment Time section of the website.
12. Unfinished and Continuing Business
13. Adjourn to executive session to discuss board self-evaluation
14. Adjourn
Next Meeting: March 3, 2025 at Jamesville-DeWitt Middle School