Minutes of November 18, 2024, Board of Education Meeting

Members Present

Dr. Archer
Mr. Babikian (joined the meeting at 7:24 p.m.)
Mr. Baxter
Mrs. Cortese
Mrs. DeForest
Mr. Gross
Mrs. James Murad
Mrs. Scott
Mr. Zoghby

Members Absent

Mr. Mantalios (student board member)

Administration Present

Dr. Smith, Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Bartlett, Business Administrator

Others in attendance: Donovan Scullion, Brody Kesselring, Tim Richmond, Carrie Wilson, Alex Wilson, Mike Fitzpatrick.

Mr. Gross called the regular meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m. at Tecumseh Elementary School and via Zoom.

At 6:00 p.m., Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the employment history of particular personnel.

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

At 6:54 p.m., Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mrs. Scott seconded the motion to adjourn Executive Session.

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Gross called the regular meeting to order.

Presentation, Mrs. Carducci, Principal, Tecumseh

Mrs. Carducci welcomed the Board to Tecumseh Elementary School and shared her presentation. She started with a snapshot of Tecumseh by the numbers. Her presentation focused on MTSS, and she gave examples of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports for academic and behavioral support. Mrs. Carducci also shared how Tecumseh is building culture and climate and gave examples such as visits from Kona the dog, monthly visits by Remmy, CARES (character education) assemblies, BLT engagement, PTG partnership and the Sunshine Cart. (See Supplemental Minutes).

Mr. Babikian joined the meeting at 7:24 p.m.

Red Ram Recognition

Mr. Gross began Red Ram Recognition by recognizing that November is Native American Heritage Month. He also recognized the week of November 11 through 15, as National School Psychologist’s Week and acknowledged the professionals at each building supporting our students.

Mr. Gross stated that last Wednesday was National Letter of Intent Signing Day. He recognized and congratulated the following students for their commitments:  

    • Nina Autry, Syracuse University, Lacrosse,
    • Eamon Giblin, St. Bonaventure University, Baseball
    • Lucy Keib, Niagara University, Lacrosse
    • Brody Kesselring, Mercy University, Lacrosse
    • Merris Kessler, Temple University, Lacrosse
    • Luke Patchen, Fairfield University, Lacrosse
    • Ben Porter, Richmond University, Lacrosse
    • Jackson Saroney, Penn State University, Golf
    • Alexis Scaramuzzino, St. Bonaventure University, Lacrosse
    • Luke Van Marter, LeMoyne College, Baseball

Mr. Gross recognized Veteran’s Day and thanked all Veteran’s for their service to our country. He specifically recognized Mr. Gregory Lawson, principal of the high school. The high school hosted the re-enlistment ceremony for Senior Chief Petty Officer Gregory Lawson on Wednesday, November 7. Mr. Gross congratulated and thanked Mr. Lawson.

Mr. Gross shared upcoming musical performances including the High School production of Mary Poppins taking place in February. He said to stay tuned for information on the grades 5/6 and grades 7/8 grade musicals.  

Mr. Gross stated that J-D students are members of many local organizations which have performances throughout the holiday season. He asked for the community to share photos and information with the Board so that the students’ accomplishments can be recognized.

Lastly, Mr. Gross wished all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Community Comment Time

Denise Stillitano, a teacher at the Middle School commented on a threat she received from a student. She thanked the SRO, administration and union for their support and prompt action. She shared her concerns about returning to work and about preferential treatment. She stated she wants to make sure the Board is informed about this matter.

Rachel Wagner commented on the future of the district and the Strategic Plan. She said she is worried that the mission of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, is being erased. She asked to reexamine why it is not explicitly being named and why there is no input from diverse voices.

Christiana Semabia shared her concerns on a previous comment.  She also commented on the elimination of the social worker at the middle school and how the replacement appears in the personnel recommendations. She would like to know if the BOE has been informed on why this new role has been created, and if proper decision making was used.

Amenda Agenda

Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to amend the agenda to reflect the removal of the student board member report, and to add a late addition to the Consent Agenda, to approve an overnight field trip request.

Motion carried. (9-0-0)

Approve Consent Agenda

Mrs. James Murad moved, and Mrs. Scott seconded the motion to approve the amended Consent Agenda as follows:

    • Approve Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations and Substitute Appointments
    • Accept CPSE and CSE Recommendations
    • Accept Internal Claims Auditor Reports
    • Approve Treasurer’s Report
    • Accept the Tax Collector’s Report
    • Approve the Minutes of the October 28, 2024, Board Meeting
    • Approve Overnight Field Trip Request

Motion carried. (9-0-0) (See Supplemental Minutes)

Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations – November 18, 2024



Name and position:  Toni Demoff, Teacher on Special Assignment (11-month position), Restorative Practices and Family Engagement Specialist, four-year probationary appointment, replacing H. Meyer

    • Location: District
    • Salary: $67,113,00 (prorated)
    • Certification: Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA-NY)
    • Effective: December 16, 2024

Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Winter Coaching – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • David Beseth, Varsity Wrestling Assistant Coach, $3,843.00

Resignation – Spring Coaching – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Patrick Gillette, Boys Varsity Track Head Coach

Extra Duty Assignment – Extended Teaching – Spring Coaching – 2024-2025

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Reilly Geer, Girls Varsity Lacrosse Assistant Coach, $4,754.00
    • Patrick Gillette, Girls Varsity Track Head Coach, $7,194.00
    • Jacob Graves, Girls Modified Basketball Coach, $3,169.00
    • Alanna Jones, Girls Varsity Golf Coach, $3,233.00
    • Samantha Purrman, Girls Modified Track Assistant Coach, $3,294.00


Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Colleen Paige, Occupational Therapist, District, December 21, 2024



Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Nadiia Pechena, Substitute Custodian, Custodial Department, $15.50/hr., November 19, 2024
    • Nadiia Pechena, Substitute Bus Attendant, Transportation Department, $15.50/hr., November 19, 2024
    • Sean Washo, Custodial Worker I, 52-week probationary appointment, Custodial Dept., $19.42/hr., November 19, 2024, replacing V. Pechenyi

Request for Retirement

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Rose Marano, Teacher Aide, Moses DeWitt, January 10, 2025

Approve SEQRA Resolution for Land Lease

Mr. Zoghby moved, and Mrs. Cortese seconded the following SEQRA Resolution:  

NOVEMBER 18, 2024

            WHEREAS, the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District (the “District”) is considering leasing certain real property to Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless for the installation of a cellular monopole (the “Action”); and

            WHEREAS, the District plans to grant to Verizon the right to install, maintain, replace, add and operate communications equipment upon a portion of that real property (approximately 2,625 sq. ft.) owned, leased or controlled by the District and located at 6845 Edinger Drive in the Town of Dewitt, Onondaga County, New York, Tax Map No. 77.-6-14.1 (the “Property”); and

            WHEREAS, the District now desires to comply with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”) and the regulations in 6 NYCRR Part 617 adopted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (the “Regulations”) with respect to the Action; and

            WHEREAS, pursuant to the Regulations, the District has considered the Action in light of the actions included on the Type I list specified in Section 617.4 of the Regulations and in light of the actions included on the Type II list specified in Section 617.5 of the Regulations; and

            WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed Part 1 of the Short Environmental Assessment Form (“EAF”) prepared for the Action.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Based upon an examination of the EAF and other available supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each relevant area of environmental concern, and based further upon the Board’s knowledge of the area surrounding the Action and such further investigation of the Action and its potential environmental impacts as the Board has deemed appropriate, the Board makes the following findings and determinations:

    1. The Action is described above and in the EAF; and
    2. The Board wishes to undertake an uncoordinated review for the Action; and
    3. The Action constitutes an “Unlisted action” (as the quoted term is defined in the Regulations); and
    4. The Board has completed Part 2 and Part 3 of the short EAF as required by the Regulations and has determined that no significant adverse environmental impacts are noted in the EAF for the Action and none are known to the Board; and
    5. Therefore, the Board hereby determines that the Action will not have a significant adverse environmental impact, and the Board will not require the preparation of an environmental impact statement with respect to the Action; and
    6. As a consequence of the foregoing, the Board approves the Negative Declaration (Part 3 of the short EAF) and authorizes the Superintendent to cause the Negative Declaration to be filed and distributed in accordance with SEQRA and the Regulations, and to maintain copies of the Negative Declaration in the District office in a file that will be readily accessible to the public; and
    7. A copy of the EAF and this resolution shall be provided to the New York State Education Department.
    8. The District will continue to comply with the New York State Education Department Guidelines for School District Implementation of the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) and Associated Changes in the SED Building Permit Process.

Dated: November 18, 2024
Jamesville-DeWitt, New York                                                                      

                                                                        By Order of the Board of Education
                                                                        Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District
                                                                        By: Brian Bartlett, District Clerk

Motion carried. (9-0-0)

Approve Resolution for Land Lease Agreement Between the District and Bell Atlantic Mobile systems LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless

Mrs. Scott moved, and Mr. Babikian seconded the motion to approve the following Board Resolution:

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District approves the Land Lease Agreement between the District and Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to sign the Land Lease Agreement on behalf of the Board.

Dated:  November 18, 2024

Motion carried. (9-0-0)

Board Policy, Second Reading

      •        Board Policy 3100: Considerations for when the administration
               and/or the board of education respond to political and social issues.

Mrs. James Murad reviewed the policy during the first reading. She said there were no changes and recommended approval.

Mrs. DeForest moved and Mr. Zoghby seconded the motion to approve Board Policy 3100: Considerations for when the administration and/or the board of education respond to political and social issues.

Motion carried. (9-0-0)

Potential Consideration for Future Meetings

There was none.

School Business Administrator’s Report, Mr. Bartlett

Mr. Bartlett shared an update on the Community Eligibility Program. He said the school district is now a CEP district which means no cost meals for all students. Mr. Bartlett shared a presentation which included a review of the numbers of breakfasts and lunches served in September and October of 2023 vs. September and October of 2024. He reported that there was a variance of 33,450 meals, or 78% increase. He said that this increase in volume has come with challenges such as ordering, storing, and preparing food. He said he would have information on the finances at a future meeting.

Mr. Gross thanked the business office for their efforts.

Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Smith began his report with a Strategic Planning update. He said the preliminary work has been done and now they are working on feedback loops for the next month with hopes to wrap up by the end of the year. He said the goal is to have a Strategic Plan to be adopted by the Board in early 2025. Dr. Smith addressed a public comment made earlier in the meeting regarding the issues of DEI. He said that while the district has addressed these issues for the past five years, he agrees that the students deserve the work around DEI, and he will continue to make sure it is articulated in the Strategic Plan.

Dr. Smith responded to a question regarding the 2024 Capital project, which asked if it was a violation of Title 9 compliance if a district provides a turf infield for baseball but not for softball. Dr. Smith stated that it is not a violation of Title IX, as compliance is measured across the entire program, not by a specific sport or facility. He said therefore, the district would be deemed compliant as equivalent treatment of female and male athletes occurs across the athletic program. He said compliance should not be the sole measuring stick and that if it were to be determined the softball field would benefit from a turf infield, it would be considered for future projects.

Lastly, Dr. Smith shared upcoming events which includes a farm to school summit he is excited about attending at the end of the week, as well as upcoming concerts, and Thanksgiving Recess next week.

Committee Reports

Mr. Zoghby provided a facilities committee update and said the committee met and discussed the following topics:

    • Southwood property, which will be introduced into legislation during the next session in January
    • Verizon cellphone towers, (resolution approved earlier)
    • E-rates, in the process of working with BOCES
    • 2019 Capital Project and the remaining open items
    • 2024-2025 Capital Outlay Project with bid opening on November 26
    • Electric buses

Mrs. DeForest provided an update from the Finance Committee and said the committee met and discussed the following items:

    • Long range financial planning as well as Governor’s budget (January 21)
    • Upcoming agenda items
    • Unpaid taxes and the county make us whole
    • CEP Update
    • Capital projects and funding
    • Upcoming capital project, timeline, awareness of debt and min projects
    • Electric buses – application for an EPA grant

Board President’s Report

Mr. Gross discussed the District Equity Council and connecting as a board to ensure it moves forward. He said he would like to use the board retreat on December 12 to discuss the history, and recommit, as a board. He thanked Dr. Archer and Mrs. Cortese for their representation on the Council. He said he would work with Dr. Smith on materials that we will bring to the retreat. He offered a suggestion of the book, The Four Pivots, which the District Equity Council is also reading.

Mr. Gross discussed the Superintendent search and said it is one of the most important tasks the board takes part in. He took a moment to thank Dr. Smith for not only his superintendentship but his work in the middle school as a principal, where Mr. Gross first met him. He said that although we are beginning the search, we still have a number of months to work with Dr. Smith. Mr. Gross shared three different options that are available when conducting a search: private firm listed with NYSSBA, a national search firm, or engaging with Dr. Matt Cook, OCM BOCES District Superintendent.

After board discussion, it was decided that Dr. Cook will conduct the search. Mr. Gross will be reaching out to Dr. Cook to iron out details. Mr. Gross said we are in a good timeframe standpoint to have the new Superintendent in place by July 1.

Mr. Gross said on November 20, from noon to 1:30 p.m. there will be an opportunity to attend a NYSSBA “lunch and learn” webinar on long range financial planning. He said you can register online for this.

Student Board Member’s Report

Mr. Mantalios was not in attendance at the meeting due to illness.

Community Comment Time, #2

Christiana Semabia commented on the history of the Equity Council. She said this was the first time she has heard that the District Equity Council will be discussed at the upcoming Board retreat. She asked if the Board would engage the Council to discuss the history, specifically coming from people who participated.

Unfinished and Continuing Business

There was none.

At 8:30 p.m., Mr. Babikian moved, and Mrs. James Murad seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried. (9-0-0)

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Bartlett
Clerk of the Board

BOARD APPROVED:    December 9, 2024