Minutes of June 24, 2024, Board Meeting

Members Present

Mr. Babikian
Mr. Baxter
Mrs. Cortese
Mrs. DeForest
Mr. Gross
Mrs. James Murad  
Mr. Zogbhy

Members Absent

Dr. Archer
Mr. Zoghby

Administration Present

Dr. Smith. Superintendent
Mr. Reyes, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Bartlett, Business Administrator

Mr. Gross called the meeting of the Board of Education to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Office.   

Accept CPSE and CSE Recommendations

Mrs. James Murad moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the acceptance of the CPSE and CSE Recommendations.

Motion carried. (7-0-0)

Approve Resolution for the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund (ERS) and Retirement Contribution Reserve (TRS sub-fund)

Mr. Babikian moved, and Mrs. Austin seconded the approval of the following Resolution for the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund (ERS) and Retirement Contribution Reserve (TRS sub-fund).   


WHEREAS Education Law Section 3653 requires that no monies may be paid or transferred into any reserve fund established by a school district unless expressly authorized by a resolution of its board of education; and

WHEREAS it has been determined by the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District (the “Board”) that it is in the School District’s best interest to transfer moneys to          the School District’s Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund and Retirement Contribution Reserve TRS Sub-Fund; and

WHEREAS, in compliance with Education Law Section 3653, the Board desires to authorize such transfers.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District does hereby approve the following reserve fund transfers:

    • Transfer of up to $1,500,000 from unappropriated fund balance to the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 6-r;
    • Transfer of up to $527,000 or 2% of the total compensation or salaries of all teachers employed by the District who are members of TRS paid during the immediately preceding fiscal year from unappropriated fund balance to the Retirement Contribution Reserve TRS Sub-Fund in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 6-r;

This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

Motion carried. (7-0-0) (See Supplemental Minutes)

Approve Funding Resolution for the Employee Benefits and Accrued Liabilities Reserve Fund

Mr. Baxter moved, and Mrs. Cortese seconded the motion to approve the following Funding Resolution for the Employee Benefits and Accrued Liabilities Reserve Fund:


WHEREAS Education Law Section 3653 requires that no monies may be paid or transferred into any reserve fund established by a school district unless expressly authorized by a resolution of its board of education; and

WHEREAS it has been determined by the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District (the “Board”) that it is in the School District’s best interest to transfer moneys to          the School District’s Employee Benefits and Accrued Liabilities Reserve Fund; and

WHEREAS, in compliance with Education Law Section 3653, the Board desires to authorize such transfers.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District does hereby approve the following reserve fund transfers:

    • Transfer of up to $250,000 from unappropriated fund balance to the Employee Benefits and Accrued Liabilities Reserve Fund in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 6-p;

This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

Motion carried. (7-0-0) See Supplemental Minutes

Approve Funding Resolution for the 2023 Capital Reserve Fund

Mrs. DeForest moved and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to approve the following Funding Resolution for the 2023 Capital Reserve Fund:

Resolution to Transfer Moneys to
2023 Capital Reserve Fund

WHEREAS, May 16, 2023, the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District (the “School District”) voters passed a proposition to establish a capital reserve fund pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law, to be designated “2023 Capital Reserve Fund”; and

WHEREAS Education Law Section 3653 requires that no monies may be paid or transferred into any reserve fund established by a school district unless expressly authorized by a resolution of its board of education; and

WHEREAS it has been determined by the Board of Education of the School District that up to $1,000,000 held in the unreserved fund balance of the General Fund are surplus funds, and that it is in the School District’s best interest to transfer moneys to the School District’s 2023 Capital Reserve Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the School District does hereby approve the transfer of up to $1,000,000 from unreserved fund balance of the General Fund to the 2023 Capital Reserve Fund created in accordance with Section 3651 of the Education Law. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

Motion carried. (7-0-0) (See Supplemental Minutes)

Approve Resolution to establish and fund the Property Loss Reserve Fund

Mr. Babikian moved, and Mrs. James Murad seconded the following motion to establish and fund the Property Loss Reserve Fund:


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education (the “Board”) of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District (the “School District”), pursuant to Section 1709(8-c) of the Education Law, as follows:

    1. The Board hereby establishes a reserve fund to be known as the Property Loss Reserve
    1. The source of funds for such Property Loss Reserve Fund shall be such amounts as may be provided therefore by budgetary appropriation or other sources authorized by law.
    1. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to deposit and invest the monies of such Fund in accordance with Sections 10 and 11 of the General Municipal Law and other applicable law.
    1. The sum of up to two million one hundred forty thousand seven hundred and nine ($2,140,709) dollars being no more than three percent of the annual budget of the district, exclusive of any planned balance presently authorized (and in combination with the sum appropriated to any Liability Reserve Fund), from the unreserved fund balance of the 2023-24 budget, is hereby appropriated to such fund; and
    1. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

Motion carried. (7-0-0) (See Supplemental Minutes)

Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Smith

Dr. Smith presented his 2023-2024 end-of-the-year report on District Goals.  He shared how the goals tied into the 4th year of the Strategic Plan, as well as the markers of Culture of Wellness, Curriculum and Programs, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Family and Community Engagement.  Dr. Smith explained how the year four tasks of the Strategic Plan helped him to develop the four Superintendent’s Goals. Dr. Smith shared each of the four goals and how they were accomplished.  The four goals are: Address Inequity, Data based decision making/multi-tiered systems of support, Recruiting and retaining staff/Mentor-Mentee program and Building redundancy and cross training in the business office. Lastly, Dr. Smith provided additional areas in which work is currently in progress, along with the Strategic Plan marker they are associated with. (See Supplemental Minutes)

Before the meeting was adjourned to Executive Session, Mr. Gross took a moment to recognize Board member, Mrs. Kelly Austin.  He thanked her for her service to the Board during the last three years and wished her well.   In addition, Mr. Gross congratulated the Seniors who graduated this past Sunday.

Mr. Gross explained that it was the intention to adjourn to Executive Session and then adjourn the meeting immediately after with no further business. 

At 7:35 p.m., Mrs. James Murad moved, and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adjourn to Executive Session. 

Motion carried. (7-0-0)

Mrs. Austin left the meeting.

At 8:45 p.m., Mr. Baxter moved and Mr. Babikian seconded the motion to adjourn from Executive Session. 

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

At 8:46 p.m., Mr. Babikian moved and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried. (6-0-0)

Respectfully submitted,


Brian Bartlett
Clerk of the Board