Minutes of April 17, 2024, Board Meeting

Members Present

Dr. Archer
Mr. Babikian 
Mr. Baxter
Dr. Corcoran
Mrs. DeForest
Mr. Gross
Mrs. James Murad (attended remotely)
Mr. Zogbhy

Members Absent

Mrs. Austin
Mr. Al-Mudamgha (Student Board Member)

Administration Present

Dr. Smith. Superintendent
Mr. Reyes, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Franz, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Bartlett, Business Administrator

Others in attendance:  Haithem Almakaleh, Michael Decker, Samantha Garelick, Zion Garelick, Kristen Hefti, Kathryn Kimble, Brendon Schunck, Hannah Salomon, Jane Beigel, Rabbi Beigel, and Michael Fitzpatrick.

Mr. Gross called the meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Office.   

Presentation: 2024-2025 Budget, Mr. Bartlett

Mr. Bartlett shared the final budget presentation with the Board. He said he will review the presentation again on May 13, during the budget hearing. The presentation consisted of the proposed revenues, proposed expenses shown in 3-parts, administrative, capital, and program, long-range financial planning, a review of the propositions on the ballot, and key budget related calendar dates. Mr. Bartlett stated the proposed budget is $71,356,980, which is $1,922,535 over last year’s budget, or a 2.77% increase.

Mrs. DeForest stated that there was a perception on social media, that the money used to fund the new softball field should be used for staffing. Mr. Bartlett responded by explaining that expenses on the capital side of the budget are funded in a different way than the core budget.  He explained that capital funds cannot be used for staffing, and if we stopped using capital money to fund improvement projects, based on perception, we will start to fall behind on the upkeep and maintenance of the facilities.

Mr. Gross restated that enrollment in the district has been decreasing which is reflected in the program budget.

(See Supplemental Minutes)

Red Ram Recognition

Mr. Gross wished a Happy Passover to all those who celebrate the Jewish holiday.

Mr. Gross also recognized and congratulated the following:

    • Tecumseh Learning Pad students and staff for raising over $7,000 to be split between CNY Autism Society of America and ARISE Adaptive Design. The students sold lemonade and refreshments.
    • Jamesville Elementary School Fourth Graders Emma Button and Siobhan Yung received awards at the LeMoyne College CNY Science and Engineering Fair for their project on Fraction Rangers.
    • All who participated in the softball field opening, contractors, designers, architects, and players and families.

Mr. Gross wished everyone a relaxing upcoming spring recess.

(See Supplemental Minutes)

Community Comment Time 

Katie Kimble, who is a parent and teacher in the district, voiced her concern for the anticipated layoffs in the district and the hiring of four additional SRO’s. She said she hopes J-D will find different ways to handle the budget shortfalls than to lay-off teachers.

Michael Decker, who works for the district as a bus driver, commented on the Southwood property and asked for the status on the possible sale of the property. He said that the Southwood property is the only true starter market in J-D and suggested it would be a great site for 40 to 50 residential homes.

Mr. Gross indicated that the Board does not respond directly to comments or questions but did say there has been discussion surrounding the Southwood property about building a playground. He said that nothing has been finalized. Dr. Smith will follow up with Mr. Decker.

Zion Garelick, a freshman at J-D High School, commented on the J-D Ramfeed announcements which chose to honor a controversial figure, Linda Sarsour, who is known for antisemitic views and supporting the use of terrorism. He said, as a Jewish student, he does not feel safe and comfortable in an environment that overlooks and condones antisemitic behavior.

Samantha Garelick, parent of Zion, also commented on the Ramfeed announcement. She said today’s announcement was shocking and appalling, and that the school highlighted one of the most well-known antisemites in America. She questioned how students are expected to learn in this environment.

Mr. Gross thanked Zion and Mrs. Garelick for their comments. He said that it is written in the policy of the district that all students should feel welcome, supported, and safe. He will be following up on this.

Approve Consent Agenda

Mr. Baxter moved, and Mr. Zoghby seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

    • Approve Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations and Substitute Appointments
    • CPSE and CSE Recommendations
    • Internal Claims Auditor Reports (See Supplemental Minutes)
    • Monthly Treasurer’s Reports (See Supplemental Minutes)
    • Minutes of the April 1, 2024, Board Meeting

Motion carried. (8-0-0).

Superintendent’s Personnel Recommendations – April 17, 2024 



Name and position: Alexandra Hnatiw, Second Language Teacher (.6), replacing S. Amankwah

    • Location: Middle School
    • Salary: $31,691.00 (B1) prorated
    • Certification: Initial French 7-12 in progress
    • Effective: August 28, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Name and position: Joseph Colligan, School Counselor, four-year probationary appointment

    • Location: High School, replacing D. Ennis
    • Salary: 67,416.00 (B5-M+51)
    • Certification: Provisional School Counselor
    • Effective: August 12, 2024

Extended Teaching – Spring Coaching 2023-2024

Name, assignment, and stipend:

    • Kristen Panzetta, Modified Softball Coach, $3.108.00

Request for Retirement

Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Michael Keenan, Science Teacher, High School, June 30, 2024



Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Andrew Franco, Substitute Bus Driver, Transportation, $25.50/hr., April 18, 2024
    • Stephanie Leverenz, Deputy Treasurer, 52-week probationary appointment, $48,500.00, April 9, 2024


Name, assignment, location, and effective date:

    • Andrew Franco, Bus Attendant, Transportation, April 17, 2024
    • Stephanie Leverenz, Administrative Aide, Middle School, April 8, 2024

Elect Board of Education Members for OCM BOCES

Mr. Baxter moved and Mrs. DeForest seconded the adoption of a resolution casting the Board’s votes in the annual election of members of the Board of Cooperative Educational Services for the persons indicated on the ballot as listed below:

Wayne Brownson, East Syracuse Minoa Central School District

Nicholas Blaney, Liverpool Central School District

Christine Gregory, Cortland Enlarged City School District

Marissa Joy Mims, Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District

Shawn Reyburn, LaFayette Central School District

Motion carried. (8-0-0). (See Supplemental Minutes)

Approve BOCES 2024-2025 Administrative Budget

At a regular meeting of the Board of Education (“Board”) of the Jamesville-DeWitt School District, Onondaga County, New York (the “District”) held at DeWitt, New York on the 17th day of April 2024,

The meeting was called to order by President Joseph Gross at 6:00 p.m., and upon roll being called, the following were:

PRESENT: Sharon Archer, David Babikian, John Baxter, Dana Corcoran, Lorianne DeForest, Joseph Gross, Renee James Murad (remote), Jalal Zoghby

ABSENT: Kelly Austin

The following resolution was offered by John Baxter, who moved its adoption, seconded by

Dana Corcoran, to wit:

WHEREAS, the Board of Cooperative Educational Services for the Sole Supervisory District of Onondaga, Cortland, and Madison Counties, (the “BOCES”) duly presented its tentative 2024-2025 administrative budget of $10,584,484 at its 2024 annual meeting; and

WHEREAS, the Board desires to approve said tentative administrative budget.


Section 1

The BOCES’ tentative administrative budget of $10,584,484 is hereby approved. Section 2

This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote, which resulted as follows:

8 Ayes       0 Nays

The Resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

Adopt 2024-2025 Budget for Jamesville-DeWitt

Mr. Zoghby made a motion and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adopt the 2024-2025 Budget for Jamesville-DeWitt.

There was a board discussion.

Motion defeated. (4-4-0) Dr. Archer, Dr. Corcoran, Mr. Babikian and Mr. Baxter opposed.

Mr. Gross stated he was unaware what the next steps would be when the budget is not adopted.

Dr. Smith stated that when a budget is not adopted, there are a number of fiscal timelines that cannot be met. Mr. Bartlett said that in addition, ballots need to be printed and mailed out, and property tax report card needs to be adopted.

After a lengthy board discussion, Mr. Gross said he felt that the Board was at an impasse and the options would be to reintroduce the proposal for a revote or ask the district to amend the proposal.

Dr. Smith said that a meeting would need to be scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday and he would be looking for specific items at that time, for example: returning middle school teachers, in lieu of cutting the SRO’s.

There was more board discussion surrounding declining enrollment and Dr. Smith shared a slide with enrollment numbers.

Once more Mr. Gross suggested two motions that could be entertained at this point. He said the first would be to reintroduce the budget and adopt it as it is or the second would be to schedule a meeting for tomorrow or Friday to have time to gather information and reformulate the budget to gain a consensus.

Dr. Smith stated that he appreciates the concerns of the Board and that he does not want to make cuts either, but it is his fiscal fiduciary responsibility to not make cuts to programs or reduce opportunities for students.

Mr. Zoghby suggested that the adjustment should come from the Board members who voted no; either vote again or come back.

Mr. Gross said the options to come back another day for a vote would be to come back with a different proposal or to come back with another voting board member.

At 7:13 p.m., it was decided that there would be a five-minute recess in which the board would attempt to reach out to Mrs. Austin, who is not in attendance, and attempt to have her take part in the vote.

At 7:20 p.m. the meeting reconvened. It was reported that the Board was not successful in reaching Mrs. Austin. At that point, a new slide was shown to the Board on what the process would be like if the budget is not approved, and the district is forced into a contingent budget. Mr. Bartlett explained that if this scenario happens, we can no longer purchase buses in the replacement plan, and the projects that are in process and upcoming would be off the table. He said most equipment and supplies would come off the table as well.

Mr. Bartlett explained that if we go to the public vote and that budget fails, there is one more opportunity to vote and pass the budget on June 18. If that budget fails, we automatically go to a contingent budget.

Mrs. DeForest reiterated that the Board of Education values our teachers greatly and that it has been the hardest decision to make teacher cuts, while trying to serve the community in a fiscally responsible way.

Mr. Zoghby moved and Mrs. DeForest seconded the motion to adopt the 2024-2025 Budget for Jamesville-DeWitt.

Motion carried. (5-3-0) Dr. Archer, Dr. Corcoran and Mr. Baxter opposed.

Dr. Corcoran commented that this was a horrible position to put the Board in and that she felt bullied by some of the comments made. Dr. Archer agreed with Dr. Corcoran and said she will never vote yes on something that is not aligned with our values.

Adopt Property Tax Report Card

Dr. Corcoran moved and Mr. Baxter seconded the motion to adopt the property tax report card.

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

(See Supplemental Minutes)

At 7:26 p.m., Mr. Zoghby moved, and Dr. Corcoran seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried. (8-0-0)

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Bartlett
Clerk of the Board