J-D staff present at NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference

Photo of Sara Quigley, Amy Spitzer, and Cristina Reed.
(left to right) Sara Quigley, Amy Spitzer, and Cristina Reed attend NYU Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference.

A group of Jamesville-DeWitt staff members recently took part in New York University Metro Center’s 2023 Prioritizing Equity Conference. It was held on Friday, June 2. 

This year’s theme was decolonizing education, wellness and sustainability in leading equity efforts. The conference also looked at equity-based practices that districts and schools have developed and sustained.

J-D ELA Teacher, Department Leader and PBL Facilitator Amy Spitzer and second grade teachers Sara Quigley and Cristina Reed were among those to present one of the workshops. 

“Moving the Needle: Co-facilitation of Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Education in Practice” looked at how internalized biases and subconscious racism affects systemic disproportionality outcomes for marginalized students. The trio outlined CR-SE training currently underway within the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District. They also highlighted the complications, roadblocks, and successes they’ve encountered while working to train staff.

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District has had seven groups complete the CR-SE training so far. 

Thank you for representing Jamesville-DeWitt!