J-D voters approve $63.7 million budget; elect three board members

On May 17, Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District voters approved the district’s $63.7 million 2022-23 budget proposal, elected three board of education members and approved the purchase of five new buses and a front-end loader maintenance vehicle. 

District-related Propositions

  • A $63,733,991 budget for the 2022-23 school year that increases spending 5.91% ($3,554,338) and carries a tax levy increase of 2.59%: 644 yes; 225 no
  • Purchasing five new school buses at a total cost not to exceed $499,952: 649 yes; 219 no
  • Purchasing a front-end loader maintenance vehicle at a total cost not to exceed $200,000: 585 yes; 283 no

Board of Education Election

Four candidates sought election to three open board of education seats. Candidates and the number of votes they received are:

  • Lorianne DeForest: 579 votes
  • Sharon Archer: 589 votes
  • Renee James Murad: 519 votes 
  • Stanley Chen: 413 votes

The district also received 19 write-in votes for candidates, but there were not enough for any one candidate to change the outcome of the election results. 

The candidates with the three highest vote totals will fill the three-year terms and begin service on July 1: Sharon Archer, Lorianne DeForest and Renee James Murad

Library Proposition

  • Supporting the Community Library of DeWitt & Jamesville, $1,544,958: 634 yes; 233 no

New York state education law allows libraries to place a funding proposition on school district ballots and requires school districts, at the libraries’ requests, to levy and collect taxes for libraries. The Community Library of DeWitt & Jamesville is a separate legal entity from the school district, with its own funding and budget.