Board appoints new Tecumseh Elementary School principal

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District is welcoming a new member to its administrative team.

On July 26, the J-D Board of Education appointed Ashley Carducci to serve as Tecumseh Elementary School’s principal, beginning on Aug. 9. She has experience working as a special education teacher, instructional coach and an administrator. She is currently an associate principal in the North Syracuse Central School District.  

“Ashley is an outgoing and friendly person committed to the success of all students,” said J-D Superintendent Peter Smith. “She brings a wealth of knowledge and unbridled enthusiasm to her new leadership role and is looking forward to becoming a part of the Tecumseh community.” 

To inform its search process, the district opened a ThoughtExchange in June to gather input on the characteristics, values and skills that Tecumseh families and staff feel are important in a school leader and, specifically, for the leader of Tecumseh Elementary School.  

“I want to thank everyone who engaged with our recent ThoughtExchange. We used that feedback as we worked our way through the search process,” Smith said. “Based on our conversations with Ms. Carducci and her past experiences, we believe she embodies the values and characteristics that our school community shared as important in a school leader. It was also evident that her passions align with our district goals as detailed in our strategic plan, making her an excellent fit for this position.”